Research Tools > Geographical Annotations to Travel Reports

website of Jelle Verheij, historian

From 1960, all non-Turkish names in Turkey were changed. In the east of the country, almost all traditional Armenian, Kurdish, Greek, Arabic and other names gave way to new Turkish names.

Because of the name changes, it is extremely difficult to locate places mentioned in 19th century sources.

The geographical guides on these pages include all the original names mentioned by the authors, as well as their new names and administrative status.

A limited number of guides are currently available for the books listed below. More will be added in the future. The place names mentioned by the authors are also included in the geographical index.

ABBOTT, Keith Edward

Notes of a tour in Armenia in 1837

in: Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 12 (1842) pp.207-220

full text with geographical annotations on this website


Notes on a journey from Kaisariyah, by Malatiyah, to Bir or Birehjik

in Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 11 (1841) pp.311-340

full text with geographical annotations on this website


A ride through Asia Minor and Armenia; giving a sketch of the characters, manners and customs of both the Mussulman and Christian inhabitants.

London, 1891 (Murray)

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BISHOP (Mrs) [ = Isabella Bird]

Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan, including a summer in the Upper Karun region and a visit to the Nestorian rayahs.

London, 1891. 2 vols

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BRANT, James

Notes of a Journey through a part of Kurdistan, in the Summer of 1838

in: Journal of the Royal Geographical Society 10 (1841) pp.341-432

full text with geographical annotations on this website

KINNEIR, John Macdonald

Journey through Asia Minor, Armenia and Koordistan in the years 1813 and 1814 with remarks on the marches of Alexander and retreat of the Ten Thousand

London, 1818 (John Murray)

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LAYARD, Austen H.

Discoveries among the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the desert; being the result of a second expedition undertaken for the trustees of the British Museum

New York, 1853 (Harper & Brothers Publishers)

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LYNCH, Henry F.B.

Armenia. Travels and studies

2 vols. vol. II The Turkish provinces

London, 1901 (Longmans, Green, and Co.)

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Highlands of Asiatic Turkey

London, 1901 (Edward Arnold)

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Notes on a journey from Erz-Rúm, by Músh, Diyár-Bekr, and Bíreh-jik, to Aleppo, in June, 1838

in: Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 10 (1841) pp.445-454

full text with geographical annotations on this website →


Notes on a Journey from Tabríz, through Kurdistán, via Ván, Bitlís, Se'ert and Erbíl, to Suleïmániyeh, in July and August, 1836

in: Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 8 (1838) pp.54-101

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'Travels in Kurdistan, with Notices of the Sources of the Eastern and Western Tigris, and Ancient Ruins in their Neighbourhood', the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, London 35 (1865) pp.21-58

full text with geographical annotations on this website →


'Journal of a Tour in Armenia, Kurdistan, and Upper Mesopotamia, with Notes of Researches in the Deyrsim Dagh', in: the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, London 38 (1868) pp.281-361

full text with geographical annotations on this website →

RASSAM, Hormuzd

Asshur and the Land of Nimrod being an account of the discoveries made in the ancient ruins of Nineveh, Asshur, Sephervaim, Calah, Babylon, Borsippa, and Van, including a narrative of different journeys in Mesopotamia, Assyria, Asia Minor and Koordistan

Cincinnati (Curds & Jennings), New York (Eaton & Mains), 1897

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SUTER, Henry

Notes on a Journey from Erz-Rúm to Trebizond, by way of Shebb-kháneh, Kará Hisár, Sívas, Tókát, and Sámsún, October 1838

in: Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London 10 (1841) pp.434-444

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Geographical Annotations to Travel Reports