19th century sources
website of Jelle Verheij, historian
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Armenian Question
List of Armenian church refugees in Pera (1895) →
List of Armenian prisoners at Acre (October 1893) →
List of Armenian Political Prisoners at Trebizond on December 16, 1895 →
List of Armenian political prisoners released in Aleppo under General Amnesty of December 1896 →
List of Armenian prisoners at Adana (June 1897) →
Documents from the British National Archives
Travel reports
Files from the Armenian Patriarchate in Constantinople
Résumé d'un rapport en date du 24 Décembre (v.s.) 1894, arrivé de Chabine-Cara-Hissar (vilayet du Sivas) →
contains names of Armenians imprisoned in Şebinkarahisar
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