Index of personal names in 19th century primary sources- By surname

Personal name index

website of Jelle Verheij, historian


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Personal name index

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Babeyan, Moses (Varteniss / Altınova, Muş/ Mouch sub-province) List of Armenian prisoners in Acre (1893)

Babigapoian, Mihran (Sivas) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bagdoyan, Istipan (Malatya, Mamuretülaziz) → Statement of Armenians killed in the Government House at Malatia (1896)

Bagdoyan, Napoleon (Malatya, Mamuretülaziz) → Statement of Armenians killed in the Government House at Malatia, (1896)

Baghdassar, Filer (Van)List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Baghdassar, Kevork (Müküs, Van) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Baghdassarian, Karabet (Kiğı, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Baghdassarian, Miguirditch (Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Baghdassarian, Missah (Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Baghjian, Beander (Kharput/ Harput, Mamuretülaziz) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Baghjian, Garabed (Kharput/ Harput, Mamuretülaziz) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Bajadjian, Agop (Mouch/ Muş) List of Armenian prisoners in Acre (1893)

Bakoyan, Krikor (Kiğı, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Balaghian, Aghavni (Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Balbalian, Nigoghos (Sivas) List of Armenian prisoners in Acre (1893)

Balian, Krikor (Niğde, Konya) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Baltayan, Toros (Divriği, Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Barsakhian, Serkis (Aintab/ Gaziantep) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Barsamian, Simon (Merzifon, Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Barsamian, Toross (Divriği, Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bartadjian, Mihran (Adana) → List of Armenian Prisoners at Adana (June 1897)

Basturma, Panos (Zeytun/ Süleymanlı, Haleb), List of Zeitoun prisoners at Aleppo exempted from benefit of Amnesty of July 1895

Bedelian, Leon (Arapkir, Mamuretülaziz) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedoyan, Hatchik (Kiğı, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedross, Iscouhi (Hizan, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedross, Ounguianos (Armudan, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Avedies (Harput, Mamuretülaziz) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Eranos (Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Guiragoss (Harput, Mamuretülaziz) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Hampartsoum (Hizan, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Kapriel (Erzincan, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Karekin (Karahisar, Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Krikor (Erzincan, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Krikor (Kayseri, Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Lucik (İstanbul) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Midkhan List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Mourad (Hizan, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Nichan (Van) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Norag (Erzincan, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Ohanness (Hizan, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Ovaguim (Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Serope (Karahisar, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedrossian, Zakar (Kiğı, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bedvian, Aghia (Alexandretta / İskenderun, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Berbarmagar, Ohanness (Bahçecik, İzmit ?) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Berberian, Karabet (Kayseri, Ankara) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Beylerian, Marie (İstanbul) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bézikian, Marcar (Adana) → List of Armenian Prisoners at Adana (June 1897)

Bezirdjian, Manouk (Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Biramian, Arab (Joghoor Olooklu/Yoğunoluk, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Bodjikian, Paraon (Divriği, Sivas) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghokjian, Abram (Joghoor Olooklu/Yoğunoluk, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Boghassian, Garabet (Hacin/ Saimbeyli, Adana) → List of Armenian Prisoners at Adana (June 1897)

Boghossian, Abou (Keboosé = Kapısuyu ?, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Boghossian, Agop (Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Anguino (Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Hatchik (Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Hatcho (Muş, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Kemal (Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Kéork [Kévork ?] (Şebinkarahisar ?, Sivas) → Report of Armenian Patriarchate, 5.1.1895

Boghossian, Mariam (İstanbul) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Marian (Van) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Mesrob (Harput, Mamuretülaziz) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Nichan Hadji (Everek, Ankara) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Ohannes (Kiğı, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Sarkiss (Bayburt, Erzurum) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Sarkiss (Kayseri, Ankara) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boghossian, Satcho (Hizan, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bolossian, Nercess (Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boosjian, Serkis (Keboosé = Kapısuyu ?, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896) (might be the same person as Boshjan, Sarkis below)

Borsalian, Bedros (Joghoor Olooklu/Yoğunoluk, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Borsalian, Moses (Joghoor Olooklu/Yoğunoluk, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Boshjan, Sarkis (Zeytun/ Süleymanlı, Haleb), List of Zeitoun prisoners at Aleppo exempted from benefit of Amnesty of July 1895 (might be the same person as Boosjian, Serkis above)

Bostanian, Gabriel (Zeytun/ Süleymanlı, Haleb), List of Zeitoun prisoners at Aleppo exempted from benefit of Amnesty of July 1895

Bostanian, Panos (Zeytun/ Süleymanlı, Haleb), List of Zeitoun prisoners at Aleppo exempted from benefit of Amnesty of July 1895

Boughourian, Mourad (Bulanık, Bitlis) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Boutchakdjian, Karabet (Kayseri, Ankara) List of church refugees in Pera (1895)

Bouyouklian, Ohanes (Trabzon) → List of Armenian Political Prisoners at Trebizond (1895)

Boyadjian, Bedros (Beilan/ Belen, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)

Boyadjian, Dirtad (Şebinkarahisar ?, Sivas) → Report of Armenian Patriarchate, 5.1.1895

Boyadjian, Yervant (Constantinople/ İstanbul) List of Armenian prisoners in Acre (1893)

Bulbulian, Garabet (Zeytun/ Süleymanlı, Haleb), List of Zeitoun prisoners at Aleppo exempted from benefit of Amnesty of July 1895

Bulbulian, Muggerditch (Zeytun/ Süleymanlı, Haleb), List of Zeitoun prisoners at Aleppo exempted from benefit of Amnesty of July 1895