Index of personal names in 19th century primary sources- By surname
Personal name index
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Nahabedian, Agop (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nahabedian, Vartan (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nababeta, Karekin (Bahçecik, İzmit) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nakhoianian, Mourad (Van) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nalbandian, Ohannes (Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nalbarian, Krikor (Adıyaman, Mamuretülaziz) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nataurian, Artin (Sivas) → List of Armenian prisoners in Acre (1893)
Nathanian, Garabet (Van) → List of Armenian prisoners in Acre (1893)
Nazarethian, Aghavni (İstanbul) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nazarethian, Miguirditch Hagop (Kayseri, Ankara) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nazarethian, Nado (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nazarethian, Sirpouhi (İstanbul) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nersessian, Apraham (Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nersessian, Guiragoss (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nersessian, Kevork (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nersessian, Leon (Çemişkezek, Mamuretülaziz) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nersessian, Missak (Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nersessian, Sahague (Van) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nersessian, Tero (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nichan, Hatchik (Sivas) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nichanian, Kaloust (Sivas) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nigoghossian, Krikor (Kiğı, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nigoghossian, Miguirditch (Egin, Mamuretülaziz) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nigoghossian, Nazareth (Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nigoghossian, Sarkiss (Diyarbekir) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Nigoghossian, Setrak (Bayburt, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)