Index of personal names in 19th century primary sources- By surname
Personal name index
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Vanessian, Manork (Joghoor Olooklu/Yoğunoluk, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)
Vanessian, Moses (Joghoor Olooklu/Yoğunoluk, Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)
Vanikian, Garebed (Aleppo/Haleb) → Political prisoners released (1896)
Vatrian, Sitrag (Yarpouz, according to source in Elbistan, however probably in Osmaniye, Adana) → Political prisoners released (1896)
Vartan, Agop (Bulanık, Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartan, Barsam (Divriği, Sivas) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartan, Bedross (Erzincan, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Achmo (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Artin (Kiğı, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Bedross (İspayirt/ Sbaguerd, Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Hasret (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Hassique (Kiğı, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Kaspar (Muş, Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Kirkor (Trabzon) → List of Armenian Political Prisoners at Trebizond (1895)
Vartanian, Manoug (Erzincan, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Manoug (Kiğı, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Manoug (Van) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Mardiross (Kigı, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Mariam (Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Sarkiss (Egin, Mamuretülaziz) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Sarkiss (Hizan, Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Setrak (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Setrak (Hizan, Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Tomas (Diyarbekir) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vartanian, Nazar (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Véhredian, Manouk (Şebinkarahisar ?, Sivas) → Report of Armenian Patriarchate, 5.1.1895
Virdoyan, Vartan (Bitlis) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Viregian, Kevork (Malatya, Mamuretülaziz) → Statement of Armenians killed in Malatia (1896)
Virtannèssian, Avak (Yalova) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)
Vosgueritchian, Heghigue (Erzincan, Erzurum) → List of church refugees in Pera (1895)