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On this page you will find direct links to digitalized travel books for the listed places, categorized per modern Turkish district (ilçe)

by example:

Ovaçevirme →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Chevermeh)

Ovaçevirme = the Turkish modern name.

Lynch 1901 = author + year of publication of the travel report in which this name can be found. If the text is blue, it is linked to a title description.

256 = the page number. If the number is blue it links to a page in one of the digital book repositories (, or, jstor) or to a reproduction of the text on this website with geographical annotations.

(Chevermeh) the name version used by the author

(→ANT) links to a list of geographical annotations for this title.

It is much appreciated if you report broken links

Geographical Index on 19th century travel reports

website of Jelle Verheij, historian

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Brant 1841: 355, 369 (Dujik) [not visited by author]→Layard 1853: 8 (Dudjook Mountains) [not visited by author] →Barkley 1891: 230, 277, 306-308, 336 (Derzim, Derzim Daghlar) [not visited by author]

Tunceli central district

Geyiksuyu Taylor 1868: 340 (Sin, Sim)

Karşılar Taylor 1868: 339, 340 (Halvoree) → Molyneux-Seel 1914: 63 (Halvori Vank)

Kocakoç → Molyneux-Seel 1914: 54 (Pah)

Taşıtlı Taylor 1868: 341 (Toroot, Soroon)

Çemişgezek district

Çemişgezek Taylor 1868: 316-317 (Tchimishgezek, name mentioned on p.315) →Maunsell 1904: 153-154 (Chemishgezek) → Molyneux-Seel 1914: 63 (Chemishgezek)

Bağçecik Taylor 1868: 315 (Bakchajo)

Aşağıbudak or YukarıbudakTaylor 1868: 315 (Kara Vank)

Hozat district

Hozat Taylor 1868: 323 (Khozat) →Maunsell 1904: 153 (Khozat) → Molyneux-Seel 1914: 63 (Khozat)

Geçimli Taylor 1868: 322, 341 (Eyrgan)

İn, İnköy Taylor 1868: 323 (Een)

İnciağa Taylor 1868: 322 (Injeyrga)

Kozluca Taylor 1868: 325 (Kozlichar)

Kuzluk Taylor 1868: 321 (Arzoonik)

Yenidoğdu Taylor 1868: 322 (Surpiyan)

Mazgirt district

MazgirtTaylor 1868: 343-344 (Mazgerd) →Maunsell 1904: 154 (Mazgird) → Molyneux-Seel 1914: 52-53 (Mazgird)

AkpazarMolyneux-Seel 1914:: 52 (Peri)

Dedebağ Molyneux-Seel 1914: 55 (Baghin)

Kardere Molyneux-Seel 1914: 58 (Kardéré)

Nazimiye district

NazimiyeMolyneux-Seel 1914: 55 (Kezel Kilisé / Nazmié / Haïdara)

DereovaMolyneux-Seel 1914: 56 (Der Ohan)

Ovacık district

general Molyneux-Seel 1914: 50, 57

Çayüstü Taylor 1868: 337 (Malmizrek)

Şahverdi Taylor 1868: 336 (Shah Veyrdileyr)

Yarımkaya Taylor 1868: 336 (Hama Dusaghi)

Yenisöğüt Taylor 1868: 338 (Pezvenk)

Yoğunçam Taylor 1868: 338 (Tillek)

Ziyaret Taylor 1868: 326, 329 (Ziaret) → → Molyneux-Seel 1914:59 (Ziaret)

Pertek district

Pertek Taylor 1868: 344-345 (Peyrtek)

Ardıç Taylor 1868: 341 (Sugmen)

AkdemirTaylor 1868: 321 (Avshekr)

Beydamı Taylor 1868: 342, 344 (Baleeshur)

Günboğazı Taylor 1868: 342 (Meyrgek)

Kayabağ Taylor 1868: 342 (Avzoonik)

KocarlarTaylor 1868:: 342 (Kujjur villages)

Kuzluk Taylor 1868: 321 (Arzoonik)

Mercimek Taylor 1868: 344 (Merjumek)

Ulupınar Taylor 1868: 341 (Ullu Poor)

Yamaçoba Taylor 1868: 341 (Eyrindek)

Pülümür district

Pülümür Maunsell 1904: 155 (Pulumur) Molyneux-Seel 1914: 56-57 (Palumor)

Tunceli (Dersim) Province

Tunceli Province