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On this page you will find direct links to digitalized travel books for the listed places, categorized per modern Turkish district (ilçe)
by example:
Ovaçevirme →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Chevermeh)
Ovaçevirme = the Turkish modern name.
Lynch 1901 = author + year of publication of the travel report in which this name can be found. If the text is blue, it is linked to a title description.
256 = the page number. If the number is blue it links to a page in one of the digital book repositories (, or, jstor) or to a reproduction of the text on this website with geographical annotations.
(Chevermeh) the name version used by the author
(→ANT) links to a list of geographical annotations for this title.
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Diyarbakır central district
Diyarbakır →Pollington 1841: 449-450 (Diyár-Bekr) (→ANT) →Brant 1841: 358 (Diyar-Bekr) [not visited by author] (→ANT) →Rassam 1897: 82-86 (Diarbekir) (ANT→) →Barkley 1891: 271 (Diarbekir) (→ANT) →Maunsell 1904: 127-130 (Diarbekr)
Bismil district
Işıklar →Rassam 1897: 92 (Haidarlee) (ANT→)
- Çelik →Kinneir 1818: 425 (Murza) (→ANT)
Pinarbaşı →Kinneir 1818: 425 (Mathra) (→ANT)
Tepe (formerly subdistrict, old name Behramki) →Kinneir 1818: 424 (Byram Khoi) (→ANT)
Üçtepe → Taylor 1865: 22 (Kurkh) (→ANT)
Çınar district
Bağacık →Taylor 1868: 358 (Baghajik) (→ANT)
Hızırbey [neighbourhood of Sürendal village] →Taylor 1868: 356, 357 (Kalla) [identification not certain] (→ANT)
Karabudak →Taylor 1868: 356, 357 (Shiakee) [identification not certain] (→ANT)
Kazıktepe →Taylor 1868: 357 (Teppa) (→ANT)
Kuşdoğan →Rassam 1897: 81 (Koosh-Dooghan) (ANT→) [status of this village unknown, affiliation with Çınar district not certain]
Yoğunoluk [neighbourhood of Ovabağ village] →Rassam 1897: 81 (Wineybirg) (ANT→)
Yöndeli [neighbourhood of Kuruyazı village]→Taylor 1868: 358 (Kunjaghaska) (→ANT)
Dicle district
Dicle →Brant 1841: 364 (Piran)
Döğer →Taylor 1865: 37 (Dibeneh)
not identified
"Zibeneh" →Brant 1841: 363 [settlement close to Tepebaşı village)
Eğil district
Eğil: →Brant 1841: 364 (Egil) [not visited by author] →Taylor 1865: 36 (Eggil)
near Kalacık (Amini)→Taylor 1865: 37 (Ammaneh Castle)
Selmankalesi →Taylor 1865: 37 (Jubeyr Castle)
Ergani district
Ergani →Taylor 1868: 346 (Argoneh) [author does not give information on the place] →Barkley 1891: 287 (Arghana) →Maunsell 1904: 141-142 (Arghana)
Hani district
general →Brant 1841: 360 (Khini)
Hani →Brant 1841: 361 (Khini) →Taylor 1865: 37, 39 (Heyni)
Kuyular →Taylor 1865: 38 (Nerib)
Hazro district
general →Brant 1841: 359 (Hazero)
Hazro →Pollington 1841: 449 (Khazeró) (→ANT) →Taylor 1865: 40 (Khuzru)
Gözebaşı →Taylor 1865: 40 (Ras El Ain)
Koçbaba →Taylor 1865: 40 (Hondoff)
Sarıerik →Taylor 1865: 40 (Andar) [identification not certain]
Ülgen →Taylor 1865: 40 (Meherani)
- Hodik mezrası →Taylor 1865: 40 (Khodik)
not identified
"Banukah" →Brant 1841: 360 [in the vicinity of Hazro]
Tercil Kalesi (near Yarhisar mezrası) →Taylor 1865: 40 (Tarjil)
Kulp district
- Şenyayla →Brant 1841: 354 (Shin) [identification not certain]
Bağcılar →Pollington 1841: 449 (Ḥájj A’ná) (→ANT) [identification not certain]
- Danacık →Brant 1841: 356, 357 (Nerjki) [identification not certain]
- Zümrütlü →Pollington 1841: 449 (Teltafi) (→ANT)
- Karlık →Brant 1841: 356 (Agharun, Khanzir, Hog)
"Kherún", "Khems" (located NE of Kulp) →Pollington 1841: 449 (→ANT)
Lice district
general →Brant 1841: 360 (I'lijeh)
Lice →Brant 1841: 358, 359 (I'lijeh) →Taylor 1865: 39 (Lijeh) [not visited by author]
Abalı →Taylor 1865: 41 (Korkhar)
Kıyıköy →Brant 1841: 358 (Darakol)
Tuzlaköy →Taylor 1865: 41 (Duzla)
Ziyaret →Taylor 1865: 39 (Fees)
Silvan district
Silvan →Taylor 1865: 23 (Miafarkeyn, Farkeyn) →Rassam 1897: 93 (Farkeen) (ANT→) →Maunsell 1904: 140-141 (Farkin, Miafarkin)
Altınkum →Taylor 1865: 41 (Bashkaia)
Boyunlu →Taylor 1865: 40 (Boshat)
Görentepe →Taylor 1865: 40 (Arshat, Halda)
İncesu →Taylor 1865: 25 (Tel Meen)
Sulubağ →Rassam 1897: 93 (Hosainee) (ANT→)
Hasuni ruins →Taylor 1865: 25 (Hasoon) For photos see the travel section of this website
(Jarrik) →Rassam 1897: 92 (Diarbekir) (ANT→)
Diyarbakır Province
Diyarbakır Province