How does it work ?

On this page you will find direct links to digitalized travel books for the listed places, categorized per modern Turkish district (ilçe)

by example:

Ovaçevirme →Lynch 1901-2: 256 (Chevermeh)

Ovaçevirme = the Turkish modern name.

Lynch 1901 = author + year of publication of the travel report in which this name can be found. If the text is blue, it is linked to a title description.

256 = the page number. If the number is blue it links to a page in one of the digital book repositories (, or, jstor) or to a reproduction of the text on this website with geographical annotations.

(Chevermeh) the name version used by the author

(→ANT) links to a list of geographical annotations for this title.

It is much appreciated if you report broken links

Geographical Index on 19th century travel reports

website of Jelle Verheij, historian

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Şirnak central district

Kumçatı Layard 1853: 46 (Derghileh) (ANT→) →Taylor 1865: 51 (Deyr Gul)

Beytüşşebap district

Beytuşşebap →Layard 1853: 350 (Beit-Shebbet) (ANT→) [identification not certain, not visited by author]

Cizre district

Cizre Kinneir 1818: 449 (Jezira, Jezira ul Omar) (→ANT) →Shiel 1838: 67, 86-88 (Jeziréh-ibn 'Omar) →Brant 1841: 358 (Jezirah) [not visited by author] →Layard 1853: 46 (Jezireh) (ANT→) →Taylor 1865: 51 (Jezireh) →Barkley 1891: 278 (Djeziré) [not visited by author]

Kurtuluş Layard 1853: 46 (Mansouriyah) (ANT→)

Uğur →Shiel 1838: 85 (Tiláberi)


"Ibrahim" Kinneir 1818: 448 (→ANT) (between Nusaybin and Cizre)

Güçlükonak district

Damlarca Layard 1853: 44 (Fynyk) (ANT→) [identification not certain]

Fındık Layard 1853: 43 (Funduk) (ANT→)

İdil district

Bozburun Taylor 1865: 51 (Hazarnukh)

Oyalı Taylor 1865: 51 (Delavi Kusri)

PınarbaşıShiel 1838: 85 (Aïn-ser)

Silopi district

Buğdaylı Layard 1853: 46 (Tiekhtan) (ANT→)

Kavallı Kinneir 1818: 453 (Nahr Van) (→ANT)

Şirnak Province

Şirnak Province