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Tiny, but charming and informative report on a journey from Erzurum, via Muş, and Diyarbakır to Urfa and on to Aleppo/ Haleb. In the mountains of Kulp, Diyarbakır, Pollington visits a camp of yezidi Kurds of which left a vivid description.
Pollington travelled in the same period as Brant, Shiel and Suter, and his report was, together with those of his fellow travellers, published in the Journal of the Royal Geographical Society.
Viscount Pollington, whose is also known as John Savile, 4th Earl of Mexborough, was a British MP, who visited the region before.
Notes on a journey from Erz-Rúm, by Músh, Diyár-Bekr, and Bíreh-jik, to Aleppo, in June, 1838
Full text with geographical annotations
Mountains south of Muş in Spring
© Jelle Verheij, 2010
Erz-Rúm → Erzurum (capital of Erzurum province)
Hasan Ḳal’eh → Pasinler (centre of Pasinler district, Erzurum province)
Ketiven → Yastıktepe (village in Pasinler district, Erzurum province)
Kóî-lí → Küllü (village in Tekman district, Erzurum province)
Aghverán → Akören (village in Hınıs district, Erzurum province)
Khinís → Hınıs (centre of Hınıs district, Erzurum province)
Sikáwah → Mercimekkale (formerly known as Akçan; village and centre of subdistrict in Muş central district, Muş province)
Músh → Muş (capital of Muş province)
Kizil Agháj → Kızılağaç (village in Muş central district, Muş province)
Ḥájj A’ná → (probably) Bağcılar (village in Kulp district, Diyarbakır province); Teltafi → Zümrütlü, neighbourhood belonging to Çukurca village, Kulp district, Diyarbakır province
Khazeró → Hazro (centre of Hazro district, Diyarbakır province)
Diyár-Bekr → Diyarbakır (capital of Diyarbakır province)
Síverek, Severek → Siverek (centre of Siverek district, Şanlıurfa province)
Síverek, Severek → Siverek (centre of Siverek district, Şanlıurfa province)
O'rfah → Şanlıurfa (capital of Şanlıurfa province)
Kherún, Khems → unidentified village NE of Kulp, Kulp district, Diyarbakır province
Bir, Bireh-jik → Birecik (centre of Birecik district, Şanlıurfa province)
Yerabolus → Yerablus (in Syria)